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About The Project

Social Media for 
Solutions Journalism  

Produced by NYU Studio 20’s Spring 2023 Writing, Reporting, and Research II class, "Social Media for SoJo" is a guidebook designed to assist journalists interested in creating solutions stories with social media storytelling approaches. The guidebook does not claim to be a one-size-fits-all solution for social solutions stories, but rather a tool for journalists and newsrooms to understand the possibilities that social media platforms afford. By utilizing these platforms, journalists can create compelling and engaging solutions journalism and reach new and younger audiences.

"Social Media for SoJo" represents the culmination of months of research and class discussions focused on journalism's current challenges. In such an environment, solutions stories have emerged as a potential answer for several of the issues faced by journalism. We consider this guidebook as a living document and sincerely hope that you find our experiences and insights helpful.


Who we are

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